Chapter 03;
Hey guys!

So I had my first paper today and it was horrendous!! Not even kidding.
I wasn't sure how to do one whole question for the paper.(or make it 2-3 questions half the paper)
Oh well, at least its finally over.

The module was actually very interesting to learn but i'm not sure...
Anyway i'm currently installing Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express.
I'm gonna learn C# with the help of lynda's video.
They have exercise files where I can follow along which I thought was not bad right?
Installation is taking F.O.R.E.V.E.R

Anyway I should probably start updating the songs in my library.
I'm getting bored of the same song on repeat.
Shall head to bed after the installation.
Wanted to start learning on C# tonight but the installation itself is taking way tooooooooo long.
My next exam paper is on next friday, 28th February.
I mean c'mon who won't procastinate/slack/sleep/party?!

Alright, goodnight. ^^ ~

Hehehehe. Cutest guy ever handsdown!

Chapter 02;
Wassup guys!

Just got back from extra accounting lesson. whew. Can't wait for poly life to be over.
I'll either go to university or start working after graduating from poly.
Anyway this holiday after exam will be ITP.
Now I can experience how it is like to be working in a company and hopefully learn something.

So sleeepy suddenly. And my earpiece is dead again.(I only used it for 1 month?!)
To be honest, I just hope sem 1 of my year 3 to pass by quickly. Should I study now or watch the latest episode of we got married? hmmm...

Okay bye guys, ippo study wsd!

Chapter 01;
Last week of school!